The countdown is on! Last year, I bought my daughter Suzie an iPad for Christmas and an iPod for her birthday. The missus got me an iPhone and I got her an iRon. She wasn’t pleased, especially when I explained it could be integrated with the iWash, iCook and iClean Apps. Unfortunately, this automatically enabled the iNag App. I can’t shut it off either, it just keeps on and on…

Some of these young whippersnappers treat their respective partners and Apple iPhones in very much the same manner. When they get a brand new one, it’s all they can think about, consuming their entire animate existence by wanting to play with it all the time and cannot imagine not being with it on a constant basis. Then after about a year or so, it’s still there and a part of their everyday life, but they’ll start getting a tad bored with it and start thinking about other newer and more state-of-the art units. After seeing their peers go through several futuristic generations, they’ll compare models and decide whether to stick with the one they already have, or get an upgrade. Some folk even keep their old one knocking around for a bit because it does things that the new one doesn’t do, but once the new model accomplishes these tasks, then the old one becomes a thing of the past. Up the Apps! Technology, doncha just love it!
If you’ve ever lost your iPhone, take solace in the thought that maybe, just maybe, a large family of mice have now acquired a giant flat-screen TV.
Oh folly folly! I put my brand new iPhone under the pillow last night and went to kip. When I awoke, it had disappeared and a pound coin was in its place. Could this have been the Bluetooth fairy?
There was a spotty precocious youth sat on the back pew in the church at a funeral. He was talking into his iPhone, bemoaning the fact that ‘funerals were boring’ and ‘there’s no flamin’ Wi Fi in this church’, when the priest approached him and proclaimed:” You are an ignorant imbecile, show some respect!” The scrote gazed at the priest and asked: “Is that all lower case, mate?”
Quiz of the Week:
(Q) How do you milk sheep?
(A) Launch a new Apple iPhone and put a price tag of £1,000 on it.
Fascinating Fact: Kerry Katona does NOT own a cat….
The good news is that you are allowed more than 15 laughs a day! Go ahead and double the dose and make it 30 times today. (You may begin to notice your relationships improving!) Then double it again! You are bound to feel better, you will cope with problems more effectively and people will enjoy being around you.
Visit my website: and click on my Jokey-Bloggington, if this made you chortle, which is my ultimate goal, then guffaw a laugh with your friends and family. Laughter: it’s good medicine, it’s completely organic, it can be shared, it is recyclable and it’s absolutely free!