UK Cabaret News
A campaign is gathering pace within the variety members of the trade union Equity against the union leadership. A few members from their variety groups have put their heads above the parapet, in an attempt to debate with the leadership in regard to recent changes in the framework of variety branches and the way they are convened and composed. It is our intention to see how this dispute is met by the variety members en-masse, or whether this is something which may just blow over.
Keeping it Quiet
The Keeping it Live showcase was staged again last month and we continue, for reasons best known to the organisers, to not be on their list of invited guests. No review coverage of this event exists anywhere to the best of our knowledge.
Readership Survey
Here at UK Cabaret, we conducted our second ever readership survey recently. During the month of October ’23, we contacted 100 readers who were picked at random from our subscriber list. We asked the 100 to list their favourite features published monthly here in this magazine.
We did not include UK Review as we already know that the show’s we assign reviewers to attend attract more interest by far than anything else we publish. We were also already well aware of the popularity of our comedy guru Austin Knight and the excellent and very funny page Austin sends us for inclusion.
What we asked the 100 subscribers was which of our other regular features found the most favour. We asked the 100 to list in order of preference their favourite features. We asked the 100 to consider the following: UK TV, UK Gay, UK Tribute, UK Holiday parks, UK Nostalgia, UK Spesh UK Panto and UK Comedy. To one
The most popular feature turned out to be UK Holiday Parks, with UK Tribute the second most popular with UK Comedy and UK Nostalgia tied in third place.
Of the 100 subscribers we contacted 83 of them took the trouble to reply, unfortunately 17 did not. Our UK Gay feature has apparently been a failure, but our random survey indicated that all the other features seem to have found a small but dedicated readership.
We offered a reward of a free full-page of advertising to one lucky winner. Our office manager Beverley Ritchie made the draw recently and the entertainer Krystian Wharton was the lucky winner. Krystian’s Groovy UV show is very popular indeed and his advertising artwork will appear in our next magazine issue and online.
We thank everyone who took part and such exercises are very valuable as we hopefully continue to steer this publication in the right direction.