UK Cabaret News
He we present our regular round-up of the stories which may interest live entertainment fans across the UK. If you have any stories you would like to see included on this page, just get in touch.
Reports have been flying in to various news outlets regarding the cost involved of assigning reviewers from many publications to the Edinburgh Fringe. The cost of covering this event is huge compared to years past and there seems to be no financially viable way to provide coverage. Reports in The Stage newspaper recently have highlighted the problem, which has a real knock-on effect to Fringe performers and participants in general. This concerns Fringe performers trying hard to attract reviews and media coverage in general, which is a huge motivation for so many of the largely unknown artistes to attend in the first place.
In this publication we intend to publish some content from the Fringe, but I’m afraid it is not viable for us to assign as many reviewers as we would really like, with sky-high hotel costs making a longer trip the month-long event proving prohibitively expensive.
Funnygirls in Blackpool is set to welcome back the legendary Betty ‘Legs’ Diamond for special midweek show nights. The business is anticipated to be huge, in terms of demand for Betty’s appearances.
Agent and writer Andy Park has written another showbusiness memoir of his days commentating as a newspaper columnist in the Cumbria area and the city of Carlisle in particular. His books all raised money for a local hospital charity and he recently announced that his latest book had raised over £10,000.
At UK Cabaret/ UK-Live we are currently looking for writers who may be able to send us regular commissioned articles on a variety of subjects and topics. A suitable writer for Gay LGBT+ cabaret is very much a priority here. We also seek a writer who may be interested on providing showcase reviews for us on the South Coast of England and in the West Country. This is paid-work and we offer competitive fees for our review team. A very strict criteria is followed before we appoint any new writer to produce reviews for us. This is also highly specialised work, with a breadth of knowledge and integrity expected by us in order for prospective reviewers to pass muster. Interested parties should e-mail us in the first instance to the editor at mark.ritchie@ukcabaret.com