A Word From The Editor

A Word From The Editor

A word from the Editor All our usual features are in our next edition, except UK Panto which will return in May, as we plan to look at the UK Pantomime Awards. We try to include a fair quotient from all areas of light entertainment, but we are always open to suggestions from readers on … Continue reading

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Miss Rachel tribute

Miss Rachel tribute

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New book out

New book out

NOSTALGIA FEATUREMark Ritchie writes: Next month sees the publication of my third book as an author. Desert Hearts Publishing are helping me spread the word about the book, which is titled 100 Heroes of Comedy and Me. In a shameful act of free publicity, I thought I may try to save myself from penury by … Continue reading

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UK clubland

UK clubland

UK CLUBLANDAs so many club closures have made certain clubs slip from our memory, while others continue to reinvent themselves and strive for survival, one thing is for sure. So many of the old working men’s clubs have stories to tell, especially the venues which have disappeared, leaving only memories and a wealth of anecdotes … Continue reading

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Nicholas James

Nicholas James

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Funky fusion

Funky fusion

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Tesoro duo

Tesoro duo

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