Category Archives: News
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UK Cabaret News
UK Cabaret News EquityA campaign is gathering pace within the variety members of the trade union Equity against the union leadership. A few members from their variety groups have put their heads above the parapet, in an attempt to debate with the leadership in regard to recent changes in the framework of variety branches and … Continue reading
Bigfoot Events
UK Clubland
UK CLUBLANDThis month we ask what went wrong on the Blackpool club scene, as venue advertisers have deserted the once vibrant and popular Seasider Magazine. This has resulted in the sad fact that the publication is set to disappear completely at the end of the year. Mark Ritchie examines the reasons behind its demise. The … Continue reading
Jammy Shows and Productions
UK NOSTALGIAThis month we report on the Grand Order of Waters Rats and more specifically their glitzy ball, which was staged recently in London. Mark Ritchie and his wife Beverley joined the stars at this huge social occasion for show business. Times have been more challenging than at any other time in their history for … Continue reading