Category Archives: News
UK Cabaret/UK-Live SHOWCASEOUR SHOWCASE COVERAGE POLICY If you/your company are planning to run showcase events, we can help. Our Forthcoming Showcases page in the magazine is entirely free of charge for any full magazine subscriber involved in the production of ANY showcase.Please note we do not include charity events as comparable to showcases. If you … Continue reading
The act store
A word from UK Cabaret managing editor
A word from UK Cabaret managing editor Mark Ritchie The good news this month is that we are starting to see a very slow but sure recovery in terms of the numbers of magazine subscribers. We lost over a quarter of our subscriber list in the wake of the pandemic and every time we lose … Continue reading
Equity conference
Equity Variety Conference ’22 The actors and entertainers trade union Equity held its first ever conference for variety artistes in Longbridge near Birmingham last month. Three entirely separate speaker panels made speeches and fielded questions from the conference floor on a variety of topics and areas of concern. Equity official Michael Day made a welcoming … Continue reading