Category Archives: News
Danny Lee Grew
UK CLUBLANDThis time around, in this year of a promised general election, we focus on conservative clubs and what they offer their members and visitors. Do you have to be an active tory to be part of a local conservative? It seems the answer in most cases is, definitely no! Mark Ritchie has a look … Continue reading
Pure entertainments showcase
The Grahams
UK Variety
UK VARIETYThis month we examine a burgeoning area of activity in the variety field, as we check out and feature a few of the producers and performers involved in the variety matinee scene. A market has been clearly identified and the crowds are taking advantage of their kind of entertainment being staged in their own … Continue reading
Save the date
May issue UK Clubland
UK CLUBLANDThe Blackpool Clubland Command show of yesteryear were always successful in providing a great prelude to the Club & Institute Union annual conference. Post pandemic, C&IU official Nathan Clarke is the man behind bringing back an annual cabaret event on conference weekend. Nathan engaged the services of producer Barrie Lucas and the first show … Continue reading