Marsden Liberal Club
Marsden is a village , in Yorkshire, at the base of the Pennines . If you leave the village and head towards Lancashire you come to Marsden Moor. Last summer the moor was on the news for the wrong reasons, it was on more than one occasion set on fire. This caused a great deal of damage to the moor and it’s natural habitat, not to mention the financial cost of the fire brigade etc. Unfortunately some visitors still have not learned ,and the moor has been on fire again this year.
Further up the Pennines is Saddleworth Moor. This is the moor notorious for the burial site of the victims of the Moor Murders, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.
Marsden Liberal Club is situated actually in the village and very close to the local park.
The club was actually inaugurated in January 1877 . The building consists of a lounge/ games room, which holds approximately 120 guests, along with a snooker table , . This room is having an upgrade , the tables , seating and bar top is being re- upholstered. At the side of the main building is the club’s living accommodation.
Something slightly different to the norm it also gets the benefit from being able to provide facilities over the club for a private Dance School which teaches Ballroom, Tap, and Pilates.
Outside is a beer garden and a small car park. Additional parking can be sought on the surrounding streets.
The club is in the process of re- introducing live entertainment after the recent close down. They are having solo artists and bands on various Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. All events are open to Non -members and future events details are available on their Facebook page. In addition to live entertainment ,they also put on bingo , something slightly different music bingo and 2 quizzes a month.
In October Marsden has an annual Jazz Festival , which attracts a few thousand visitors. This takes place throughout the village, with numerous clubs pubs, etc providing various bands throughout the village.Marsden Liberal Club has in the past has been involved with this event, but last year , due to the Covid restrictions , the event had to be organised differently.
This club goes out of its way to promote local bands and it also does its fair share , and more , in the organisation of charitable events. A club that supports good causes does itself deserve supporting.